Food security

The alleviation of hunger is an important function of the mangrove ecosystem. Coastal communities subsist mainly on fishing – fish and seafood are often the only available source of protein and essential for human well-being. Approximately, 30% of the fish caught in South-East Asia are supported by mangrove forests.

In addition to fish, honey, herbs, mussels, oysters, snails, etc. are collected from the mangroves. The products also serve people as emergency fall-back food during hard times.

In poor rural coastal areas, crabs, fish and other mangrove products are usually consumed or traded directly without undergoing market transactions. This was the case for 83% of households in the northern Brazilian Caete estuary (Glaser et al., 2003).

Living with the mangroves

The short documentary, Manglar: El sacrificio de una tierra ‘was filmed on the archipelago Jambeli in Ecuador. It shows the respect of the people to the mangrove ecosystem, of which they are economically dependent.

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