Join us!

Would you like to make a personal contribution? Then there are different options:

  • Become a member (document below) or a volunteer. Send us an e-mail with your skills or in what you are especially interested and we will find together a task for you.

  • Donate to us and help making projects possible.

As a non-profit organization we will issue you a donation receipt, which you can claim for tax purposes.

The mangroves and we thank you!


Nusa Lembongan © Marijana Toben

Beitrittserklärung und Spendenformular

Beitragsordnung — Verein für Mangrovenschutz



Verein für Mangrovenschutz e.V.

IBAN : DE34 5003 1000 1074 2220 01


Triodos Bank Deutschland